Russells Ride 2010, Australia

Hello, my name is Russell Nurse.

This year's ride is a follow up of my first long distance dirt and tar ride last year.

We (my son Karl and I) traveled 8300km in 16 days on a pair of DR 650s and afterward I found I really had the bug.

The Donahue and Plenty Highways, the Tanami Desert, Wolf Creek Crater , the Kimberleys, Birdsville & Innamincka were no longer just places on a map and I'm itching to get going again.

Last year was about learning (lessons like running out of fuel on the Tanami or getting water in our fuel) fortunately we had vehicular support.

This year I've got a new side kick (my eldest son Luke) and we're doing it without support. On the agenda is Menindee, Tibooburra, Camerons Corner, Lyndhurst, Oodnadatta, Mt Dare, Dalhousie, Purni Bore, Finke, The Olgas and The Rock, Jervois, Boulia, Bedourie, Cordillo Downs and more.

I'll be blogging my way, as internet access permits so subscribe to the Two Wheel Touring Newsletter (see side bar) to follow my progress.

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11 June, 2010
I've been unable to find internet or phone connection for several days so I'm a little behind.Once again this proves that governments are full of worthless guarantees.

The day started bleak, overcast, and it was freezing cold. The road from Wilcannia to White Cliffs is tar sealed for much of the way which resulted in fairly high speeds which only accentuated the cold.  We stopped at White Cliffs for a quick coffeeto try to defrost. The cold was soon forgotten as soon as we headed down  the dirt road toward the Silver City highway.

Signage at the beginning of the road warned of damage, however we were lulled into a false sense of security during the first few kilometres of clear sailing, well at least until the sign rang true... Luke found himself caught in a deep wheel rut which he had to negotiate carefully for a considerable distance. I went a little too fast into a hashed out flood way the far bank of which was extremely steep and made what turned out to be a not too graceful exit. We steadied a little and made it to the Silver City Highway. 

Within a few kilometres aong the highway we were greeted by water in recently flooded lake beds. This was to become a quite common feature of the surrounds for us for a long while.

We stopped in Milparinka only to find there was no fuel available. To get to Tibooburra would be a close call on the  main tank but we had the foresight to strap 10 Litres in containers onto our bikes. Just outside of Tibooburra I had to switch to reserve but made it OK.

Tibooburra to Camerons Corner was a good dirt road and a most enjoyable way to finish the day. Some unusual lines were taken due to lack of adequate road signs and we had the unique experience of travelling through two other states in less than two minutes. This is where the corners of NSW, SA, and QLD meet.

We had a cabin that night, a good meal, and met lots of friendly people.
Bye for now,